You hit a terrific drive. It is nestled perfectly on the fairway just waiting for your approach. Out comes your rangefinder to help you select the right club. The first reading shows 125 yards. Your next shows something similar. You
Obsessed Approved: LongShot Oversized Wood Labels
A staple in my golf aid arsenal. Nothing has been more helpful in getting a better feel for the face of my driver and dialing in the sweet spot. Terrific value for the price.
Review: SKLZ Gold Flex Golf Swing Trainer is a more affordable Orange Whip
This is a good product that can help your swing tempo and sequence. I don't believe it is game-changing, but you will be happy to have one. The price feels a bit much for what it is, so it might be worth looking around for a used one. I'd give this 3.5/5.0 stars.
Not Obsessed: EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 1.0
I bought the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap to help promote a more in-to-out path. Despite a clever design, it was a purchase I regret and do not recommend you spend your money on it.
Obsessed: Arccos Caddie Smart Sensors are a great product for obsessed golfers
This is a no-brainer purchase. If you are obsessed with golf and want to improve and have an assistant by your side that more closely approximates a caddie than anything else on the market, Arccos is for you.